Concavity of Earth as basis of Universe with central octahedron inside Celestial Sphere organizes all aspects of life. When you realize that Earth is concave and stationary and not a planet rushing through space – everything goes to the place where it should be.
Cabalistic Invadors by forcing heliocentric lie through media, education and science are trying to steal our soul connected quintessentially with central octahedron Source. The pineal gland as the seat of the soul is chemically blocked by poisoning air, water and food. Creativity is inhibited by the restriction of natural freedoms and keeping us vibrating at low frequency of fear. Even NASA “warns” us of been attacked or collided with an imaginary object from non-existent inner cosmos. The only place where real cosmos can exist is outside the Earth’s Terrarium.
Earth is protected by tiny ice/glass layer at 100 km height from the inner terrarium with high temperature, but we can be visited by creatures and UFO from outside terrarium. That’s why EXITS at North Pole, South Pole and other places are highly protected by army.
Scientific experiments with free atmospheric electricity and Ether ( smallest particle of matter, about ten to the minus one hundred meters) are prohibited by Invadors promoting GOD – gold, oil and diamonds.
Many people fed by heliocentric lie at every step of life, unconsciously get lost, because the lie repeated thousands times “became” true. So now we have three classes of people: Those who see; Those who see when it is shown to them; Those who cannot see.
All humans naturally desire knowledge and real knowledge is knowing the causes. But today having knowledge is punished, the search is punished. Blindness, ignorance and obedience are rewarded.
The goal of a rational life is to think what is true, feel what is beautiful and love what is good.
People have those who tell them the truth as their greatest enemy and they ignore you first, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Whoever does not oppose evil, allows evil to happen. The greatest evil is to tolerate harm. Do not look for the guilty, look for a solution.
Freedom is a state of mind.